Durante el desarrollo del XII Encuentro Internacional Virtual Educa, a realizarse en la semana del 20 al 24 de junio en la ciudad de México, se presentará el libro denominado: EL ASEGURAMIENTO DE LA CALIDAD DE LA EDUCACIÓN VIRTUAL. Este importante aporte cuenta con la participación de destacados especialistas de diferentes países y tiene como editores al Dr. Claudio Rama del Observatorio Virtual Educa y al Dr. Julio B. Dominguez Granda, Rector de la Universidad Católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote y Presidente de la Red de Universidades Inclusivas de Virtual Educa.
La calidad de la educación a distancia está asociada a los procesos de evaluación y acreditación, así como a sus criterios, enfoques e indicadores de medición, haciendo así de ellos componentes imprescindibles de análisis y reflexión para el conocimiento de la dinámica de las instituciones y de política pública. Es ésta sin embargo una realidad poco conocida en la región que es necesario develar para contribuir al desarrollo de la educación a distancia.
El libro tiene un artículo sobre Puerto Rico, escrito por Juan Meléndez y Carmen Pacheco.
Para más informa, oprima aquí.
lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011
domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011
Proyecto de Ley para la economía del conocimiento
P de la C 2923 (2010)
Para establecer que será política pública del Gobierno de Puerto Rico de promover y desarrollar la economía del conocimiento; establecer los parámetros necesarios para solidificar la economía del conocimiento como herramienta esencial para el crecimiento y el desarrollo sostenido de la economía de Puerto Rico; crear el Consejo para el Desarrollo de la Economía del Conocimiento de Puerto Rico; establecer las funciones y responsabilidades de dicho Consejo; y otros fines.
Para ver el proyecto de ley, oprima aquí.
Para establecer que será política pública del Gobierno de Puerto Rico de promover y desarrollar la economía del conocimiento; establecer los parámetros necesarios para solidificar la economía del conocimiento como herramienta esencial para el crecimiento y el desarrollo sostenido de la economía de Puerto Rico; crear el Consejo para el Desarrollo de la Economía del Conocimiento de Puerto Rico; establecer las funciones y responsabilidades de dicho Consejo; y otros fines.
Para ver el proyecto de ley, oprima aquí.
domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011
¿Para qué sirve la Universidad?
Sharply rising college costs, enrollments and student debt loads have touched off a debate about the role of higher education in the 21st Century.
A Pew Research Center report attempts to inform that debate. It is based on two surveys—one of the American public; the other of college presidents—that explore attitudes about the cost, value, quality, mission and payoff of a college education. The survey of college presidents was done in association with the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Para acceder al estudio, oprima aquí.
A Pew Research Center report attempts to inform that debate. It is based on two surveys—one of the American public; the other of college presidents—that explore attitudes about the cost, value, quality, mission and payoff of a college education. The survey of college presidents was done in association with the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Para acceder al estudio, oprima aquí.
Creating education hubs
World demand for higher education continues to climb, driven by the insatiable desires for the socio-economic mobility of individuals, and by governments who now widely recognise that broad access to higher education, and the production of degrees at the baccalaureate, professional and doctoral level, is one of the primary factors for economic development.
At the same time education, and specifically higher education, could play a much larger role in rebalancing the US balance of trade. The US is http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifan underachiever in enrolling international students at the undergraduate level, and is still strong at the graduate level. But indicators show that this strength is eroding as universities elsewhere in the world are improving their quality and marketing, and as governments expand programmes intended to draw the world's pool of talented and increasingly mobile young people.
Para una copia del estudio sobre esta situación, por el Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California - Berkeley, oprima aquí.
At the same time education, and specifically higher education, could play a much larger role in rebalancing the US balance of trade. The US is http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifan underachiever in enrolling international students at the undergraduate level, and is still strong at the graduate level. But indicators show that this strength is eroding as universities elsewhere in the world are improving their quality and marketing, and as governments expand programmes intended to draw the world's pool of talented and increasingly mobile young people.
Para una copia del estudio sobre esta situación, por el Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California - Berkeley, oprima aquí.
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011
Con más estudiantes a distancia, más profesores a distancia
Enrollment growth in distance education at community colleges outpaced overall growth in higher education, and colleges are increasingly turning to off-campus instructors who telecommute to deal with that demand, according to the results of the Instructional Technology Council’s 2010 Distance Education Survey.
The survey of 139 colleges found a 9-percent increase in online enrollment from fall 2009 to fall 2010, which is greater than the 7-percent overall growth and 8-percent community-college growth reported by the National Center for Education Statistics. Enrollment in online courses grew among both traditional and nontraditional students, according to the survey conducted by the council, which is affiliated with the American Association of Community Colleges.
Para ver el estudio, oprima aquí.
The survey of 139 colleges found a 9-percent increase in online enrollment from fall 2009 to fall 2010, which is greater than the 7-percent overall growth and 8-percent community-college growth reported by the National Center for Education Statistics. Enrollment in online courses grew among both traditional and nontraditional students, according to the survey conducted by the council, which is affiliated with the American Association of Community Colleges.
Para ver el estudio, oprima aquí.
domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

El próximo sábado 21 de mayo será la 4ta conferencia en el año. Habrá una transmisión por Internet auspiciada por EdNet. En esta ocasión es un evento muy significativo... EducaPR cumple un año.
Solicitamos que ayuden con la promoción de la actividad en las redes sociales, blogs, twitter, fb inviten a otros educadores a participar.
8.30 - 9.00 Bienvenida
9.00 – 9.40 Espiritualidad y sabiduría en la era digita. Dr. Mario Nuñez Molina
9.40 – 10.20 El uso de videos en la sala de clases Dr. Edgar León
10.20 10.50 Apps for Mobile Education. Prof. James Lynn
10.50- 11.00 Receso 11.00 -11.40 Tecnología e Innovación por Wilton Vargas, Tecnéctico
11.40 – 12.00 Actitud 2.0 transformando nuestro entorno escolar. Jeanette Delgado
miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011
Blended Learning in K-12 environment
A report released this week identified six emerging models for blended learning in K-12, ranging from guided online instruction in the classroom to "self-blended" models where students take courses a la carte.
The report, "The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning: Profiles of Emerging Models," detailed blended learning programs that illustrate emerging trends in hybrid online and classroom-based instruction. It was authored by the Innosight Institute, a research firm focused on education and healthcare, and co-produced with the Charter School Growth Fund, a group that invests in charter school management organizations.
Despite the unique nature of each individual program studied, the researchers identified six "distinct clusters" of blended learning models that shared some common characteristics, all of which appear to be gaining adherents.
The group defined blended learning as "any time a student learns at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace."
For a copy of the report, click here.
The report, "The Rise of K-12 Blended Learning: Profiles of Emerging Models," detailed blended learning programs that illustrate emerging trends in hybrid online and classroom-based instruction. It was authored by the Innosight Institute, a research firm focused on education and healthcare, and co-produced with the Charter School Growth Fund, a group that invests in charter school management organizations.
Despite the unique nature of each individual program studied, the researchers identified six "distinct clusters" of blended learning models that shared some common characteristics, all of which appear to be gaining adherents.
The group defined blended learning as "any time a student learns at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace."
For a copy of the report, click here.
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